Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Paper Cranes ...

Paper cranes ….washed ashore
Crumpled, wet … they fly no more

Gather friends and family close; bury those who’ve died; lay them back into the earth becoming the foundation of the new world you must create. Their lives; their hopes and dreams; their future integrates with yours.

In the agonizing song Mother Earth sang as the ground shook and the waves crashed; listen carefully for the song of life. Deep within the pain, there lies the need for rebirth.

Paper cranes ….washed ashore
Crumpled, wet … they fly no more
Carefully dried…in sunlight bright
Paper cranes survive the night

No day will ever be the same. No sunrise will ever miss your gaze. No sunset will ever pass unnoticed. Forever changed; the choice now yours…will you move forward or shutter the doors? Heartbeats pause in the race for life…

Make bricks from the earth and the water – the force their destruction brought now becomes strength forming a new future – not just recreating the past.

Paper cranes ….washed ashore
Crumpled, wet … they fly no more
Gentle hands … begin to fold
Creating stories yet to be told.

Cry for the souls of your people…listen as the cries evolve into a rallying cry… calling all to keep moving ‘through’ the pain… do not linger there lest you get lost … follow the cries to gather; to rebuild; to begin the process of healing; to struggle on until life is yours once again.

Close your eyes to the horror…it is already indelibly written in your mind and on your heart. Now is the time to take a step…a blind step towards a future you do not believe in..not yet. Close your eyes…open your heart. There is love everywhere. Let it touch you. Let it move you when your feet refuse another step. Keep moving… keep building…keep loving… keep believing.

Paper cranes ….washed ashore
Crumpled and wet … they flew no more
Until refolded with utmost love
The cranes took wing in the sky above
Looking down as they took wing
They believe again; they live; they sing.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Music ...

Music ….

The sound of the rain
The chirp of a bird
Voices in a crowd
The unspoken word

Music is an amazing thing …it elicits feelings of every variety…inspires…soothes…energizes. The ‘soundtrack’ of a movie can get your body and mind ready, in anticipation of the next event before you even see the scene unfold.

I think there is an underlying ‘soundtrack’ to our lives. I believe we each write the song of our existence just as we write the storyline. Each day, each moment, by choices planned or unplanned, we write on our hearts the very meaning of our lives.

I love player pianos! I love that a piece of paper full of holes can create the most beautiful sounds. A life full of holes is not necessarily lacking – it is what lies in those empty spaces that make the true music; what tells the whole story. The white space is necessary – the pauses, the constant and the quiet – the mundane and the repetitive. It is the holes that build out the depth and the height of the music; it is the holes that define us at our best and our worst; it is the holes that let the light in and open us up to the world; it is the holes that let the music play.