Sunday, August 5, 2012

power ....

a thought
           creates a reality
it is difficult to rein in thoughts ...they run away from us in dreams, in planning our day, our lives, the lives of others...

a thought is intangible and yet a single thought can become the pebble that sends ripples out across the pond, the ocean, the universe...colliding with the thoughts of others...

is a simple thought like the 'Schrodinger's Cat phenomenom'? could it be that fragile and that powerful all at once?

yet how unaware of this power we remain

how little of the brain we understand...and even less of the universe surrounding us

how much there is to ponder...
      how care-full we need to be

how will my thoughts affect your reality?  how could they destroy mine?

somewhere between here and there, we have met before, perhaps many, many times
 - and the pleasure was all mine...

The link between reality and observation is based on what has been called the 'Copenhagen Interpretation' of quantum mechanics because it was proposed by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and other physicists working in that city. A more colorful and memorable reference, however, is probably one based on a thought experiment. That experiment puts a cat in a box with a device triggered by a single particle's quantum behavior. The device, if activated, kills the cat. Since quantum theory says that the particle's behavior is indeterminate until its probability wave 'collapses' upon observation, the cat can be considered both alive and dead at the same time until the box is opened and one or the other condition is observed.

by definition

Zombie:  as defined by

a. the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.  

...the meds are working less and less these one knows...i walk through life and no one sees or is not that they do not care...they just do not see...they do not hear...weekdays are tolerable...there are "have to's"...weekends, not so much.  The "have to's" on weekends are spaced far apart...existence is boredom, tears, self reflection of the not-so-helpful-kind.  Alive but not living.


...the part i stumble over is the 'evil purpose'.  is self-destruction of a life the ultimate evil purpose?