Sunday, December 9, 2012

365 sunrises have passed….

How many of those did you greet with wonder and anticipation of the brand new day before you; each new day a blank slate just waiting for you to etch you hopes and dreams upon it and create warm memories? 

 365 sunsets have passed….

          How many of those found peace in your heart as you reflected upon the day just ending?  How many found you whispering ‘sweet dreams’ into a child’s ear?  How many found you telling those you love how much they mean to you?

365 days are gifted to us each year….
      Opportunities to smile;
                        reach out and make someone’s day                
      Opportunities to listen;
                        to be present in the lives of others

Open each day, each gift, with wonder and awe; with joy and thankfulness; with love…treasure it…nurture it…wrap it and share with others!

Endless?… … not endless…. but ‘numbered’ days remain

          To be kind to one another

                       To say ‘ I love you ‘

                                    To act, to speak, to share, to love ….
Numbered days …

each sunrise precious, each sunset memorable, the life we live and each life we touch immeasurably valued.


Make the most of your New Year!

Happy 2013…day by day

    my love to you all ….. Louise    

Sunday, August 5, 2012

power ....

a thought
           creates a reality
it is difficult to rein in thoughts ...they run away from us in dreams, in planning our day, our lives, the lives of others...

a thought is intangible and yet a single thought can become the pebble that sends ripples out across the pond, the ocean, the universe...colliding with the thoughts of others...

is a simple thought like the 'Schrodinger's Cat phenomenom'? could it be that fragile and that powerful all at once?

yet how unaware of this power we remain

how little of the brain we understand...and even less of the universe surrounding us

how much there is to ponder...
      how care-full we need to be

how will my thoughts affect your reality?  how could they destroy mine?

somewhere between here and there, we have met before, perhaps many, many times
 - and the pleasure was all mine...

The link between reality and observation is based on what has been called the 'Copenhagen Interpretation' of quantum mechanics because it was proposed by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and other physicists working in that city. A more colorful and memorable reference, however, is probably one based on a thought experiment. That experiment puts a cat in a box with a device triggered by a single particle's quantum behavior. The device, if activated, kills the cat. Since quantum theory says that the particle's behavior is indeterminate until its probability wave 'collapses' upon observation, the cat can be considered both alive and dead at the same time until the box is opened and one or the other condition is observed.

by definition

Zombie:  as defined by

a. the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose.  

...the meds are working less and less these one knows...i walk through life and no one sees or is not that they do not care...they just do not see...they do not hear...weekdays are tolerable...there are "have to's"...weekends, not so much.  The "have to's" on weekends are spaced far apart...existence is boredom, tears, self reflection of the not-so-helpful-kind.  Alive but not living.


...the part i stumble over is the 'evil purpose'.  is self-destruction of a life the ultimate evil purpose? 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

There are no Gaps in Love

At a memorial ceremony earlier today ...a woman came up to me and said that she felt ashamed....that she had not done enough before, or after, her relatives death. 

I replied that 'there are no gaps in love'.

I thought about that all the way home.  I too had been feeling that I had not been enough, or done enough, before or after.  I had explained to the woman that she was there during an emergency when she was needed the most...that without thought, she responded to a call for help from her family.  I reminded her that loved ones often lose touch over vast amounts of time...distance...differences.  The love that connects us to one another never dies.  When needed, that bond helps us to return to where we are needed most.  Afterwards, life silently takes us back...back to the day-to-day routines, to the center of where we are supposed to then be.

There are no gaps in love. 

There is no reason for shame; only for joy in the times shared, the memories made, the paths crossed.  Love exists outside of the world that captures our immediate attention each minute.  Love can end up looking like threads in a spider web, with all it's twists and turns and connections!  Love lasts longer than life; is stronger than we think; makes us whole in ways we never imagined.

Do not shrink from love - accept and extend it.  Do not feel shame in not having loved enough...a little goes a long way.  Do not fear that unspoken love is not felt, or is part of the air we breathe...part of the life we live...invisibly ever present.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Mother’s look down from heaven …with eyes shining kindness and hearts filled with unconditional love. Mothers in heaven know….they know all of the times we were too proud to say we were wrong…they know all the “I’m sorry”s we never said. They know all the times, deep in our hearts, when we whispered ‘I love you’


Mothers in heaven know our deepest fears and our highest hopes. They know we call for them when we are afraid no matter how old we are. They forgive all things, accept all things, and understand all things.

Mothers in heaven are surrounded by women from all time; their mothers, their grandmothers …women who have lived lives they could only imagine…past, present and future. Wisdom abounds!

There is no need to feel that you have left something unspoken…no need to feel there was a final hug, apology, or ‘I love you’ that was missed. Mothers are there…forever…sharing the knowledge that unconditional love and forgiveness flows up and down generations long after a final breath has been taken. Take comfort in this.

Take a moment each day to send love to your mothers.

In your own way.

As best you can.

It is never too late…

…and if you cannot,

trust that they understand

and love you none-the-less

because they do….they always do ….

Friday, February 24, 2012

and the water washed it all away ....

put money in
spin the wheel
the guilt pays out over and over
piling up a debt that can never be repaid
...but it 'feels' like a win

the coins tumble in
the wheels spin
and you continue to 'win'
covered in imagined sin

covered in guilt
covered in lies told to yourself
because you know no better
because you cannot see through the grime
to see your life is no crime
and you still have more time


into the

water ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

sink to the bottom
and spring back to the surface
float naked as the water glistens in the sunlight

now you stand and look in the mirror
to see that the water has washed it all away
and the truth is looking back
you are who you see
your eyes can see

....the darkness covering each lens has been washed away

you see the spirit within
no flesh
no bones
no mental interference

just light

the light you long to share
the light you long to wear

the essence of who you are
the essence of what the world sees

it is all before your eyes
it is all around you
inside and out

because the water washed the rest away

See it ................Feel it
Believe it ...........Love it
Live it.

Friday, February 3, 2012

mirrors and photographs
i look and cry ......
is the reflection i see only skin deep while a spirit and soul remain unseen
staring back
in a multidimentional world

will rose-colored glasses allow the soul to pop?

how can i sense spirit with just my eyes? tactile deprived...i stare

i close my eyes

memories flood my senses
...this is what feeds me as night descends